Saturday, August 20, 2011

Barnes and Noble Nook - New Campaign

Barnes & Noble, the worlds largest book seller today, introduced a new advertising campaign for its Nook Electronic E-Book Reader. The Commercial was developed by Barnes & Noble with Merkley and Partners, an Omnicom company. This marks the first television commercial Barnes and Noble has done in over a decade. This campaign is not limited to the television though, it will be followed up by radio, print and online advertising.

barnes and noble nook

The Television campaign is entitled "My Story" which portrays a literature loving female customer from childhood to adulthood and the seminal stories that fostered her love of books from tangible form to now digital format. The closing images reinforce the ability to "take your story wherever you want it to go" as the woman in the spot sits on the beach reading on NOOK's crisp and clear E Ink screen after using the device's fast, wireless access to find her next great read from more than a million digital titles.


The Television commercial then closes by encouraging viewers to find Nook at "your local Barnes & Noble," online or at Best Buy retail locations where the Nook is displayed starting this week.

Sasha Norkin the Vice President of Marking with Barnes and Noble announced "Many of our customers have practically grown up in Barnes & Noble bookstores, browsing, buying and reading the books that have enriched their lives. This campaign celebrates those moments, and offers the additional choice and convenience of a device that puts more than one million titles at your fingertips from that same trusted bookstore."

Barnes and Noble Nook - New Campaign



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